
Make it easy and efficient to develop new products, as well as sell and administer policies. A SaaS-based policy system that digitises crucial sales and customer processes, thereby optimising your business and enhancing the customer experience.

Are you experiencing these challenges too?

New customer needs

Meeting policyholders' demands for automation and self-service can be challenging.

Slow time-to-market

Launching new products or making adjustments to existing ones takes too long.


Sales and policy administration are cumbersome and inefficient, reflecting on the bottom line.

Large IT investments

Replacing your core system is a massive investment.

Benefits of a super-digital policy system

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Benefits of a super-digital policy system

With PolicyCORE, you get a system that ensures:

  • Better self-service: You can offer improved self-service with more features and achieve higher customer satisfaction.
  • Quick product launches: You can launch new products and make adjustments within a few minutes.
  • Increased productivity: You increase productivity in policy administration and reduce errors through automated and transparent processes.
  • Better decisions: You get more precise risk assessments and can minimise losses based on new insights from comprehensive data sets.

PolicyCORE optimises all processes


  • Continuous product innovation and adjustments to customer needs
  • No-code development based on templates
  • Complete configuration, allowing businesses to easily manage product variants and price changes


  • User interface under 'My Page' for customers and partners
  • Optimised user interface for sales representatives Commission management

Policy administration and customer service

  • All information in one place, so nothing is overlooked
  • Intelligent automation, increasing productivity and reducing errors
  • Everything regarding policy adjustments (MTA) and renewal

Risk assessment

  • Implementation of advanced data analysis methods and access to new data sources
  • Reinsurance management

A unique SaaS delivery model

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A unique SaaS delivery model

Our delivery model is multi-tenant SaaS. That means you share the solution with other insurance companies and enjoy economies of scale. The solution is preconfigured with country layers but can be adapted to your exact needs. Implementation takes months instead of years, saving significant costs.

  • Pre-configured
  • Built-in country layer
  • Multi-tenant SaaS
What is SaaS, again?

Explore our other solutions

Scalepoint CORE

A complete and intuitive core system (PAS), which digitises all policy and claims processes and can easily be customised to your business.


Digitalize experiences, processes, and workflows, and bring flexibility, efficiency, and exceptional claims experiences to your customers with an end-to-end claims-solution. A preconfigured, turnkey SaaS solution designed to make your work easier.

Contact us. We'd 🤍 to help!

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You can read how Scalepoint processes the received personal information here.