#3: Good Health & Well-being
A healthy body and mind are key to a good life. At Scalepoint, we highly support good health and work-life balance for our employees.
With several employees originating from Ukraine, the war between Russia and Ukraine is something that affects us at a personal level. So far, we have supported the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund with DKK 50,000 and have used our network to distribute resumes and requests for homes to stay in from registered Ukrainian refugees.
To fight corruption and business crime, Scalepoint has a whistleblower system accessible directly from our website. In the whistleblower system, crimes such as bribery, embezzlement, theft, and accounting irregularities can be reported anonymously.
Scalepoint’s Supplier Code of Conduct ensures that our suppliers operate in accordance with internationally recognized standards on human rights, including labour rights, the environment, and anti-corruption. The requirements are based on the ten general principles contained in the UN Global Compact as made operational with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The minimum requirements are made in consideration of the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
Scalepoint supports the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We adhere to the principles in respect of our staff and expect the same from our suppliers.
A healthy body and mind are key to a good life. At Scalepoint, we highly support good health and work-life balance for our employees.
A healthy body and mind are key to a good life. At Scalepoint, we highly support good health and work-life balance for our employees.
Diversity and equality are two very important goals, and at Scalepoint we see both as an essential part of our DNA and our more than 200 employees spread across Europe.
Diversity and equality are two very important goals, and at Scalepoint we see both as an essential part of our DNA and our more than 200 employees spread across Europe.
With focus on responsible consumption and production we continuously increase sustainability in our daily operation and options for our customers.
With focus on responsible consumption and production we continuously increase sustainability in our daily operation and options for our customers.
We want to minimise our climate impact by disposing trash sustainably, reducing our energy consumption and reducing food waste as much as possible. We also support electric cars.
We want to minimise our climate impact by disposing trash sustainably, reducing our energy consumption and reducing food waste as much as possible. We also support electric cars.